6 Cleaning Hacks to Make Your Life Easier

While I fully understand there are some people in the world who actually enjoy cleaning, I am not one of them. There are many other things I’d prefer to do with my time rather than clean, however I also hate a messy house. Lucky for me (and you!), I’ve come across these six cleaning hacks that make the process much easier and faster.

How to Remove Pet Hair from Furniture and Carpet

I love our dog and cat, but I don’t love the hair they leave behind on our sofa and carpet. In fact, it kind of grosses me out. That’s why I was thrilled to learn this nifty hack. To remove pet hair from furniture and carpet, simply use a squeegee. Run the squeegee across the chair or carpet and you’ll soon have a ball of fur to toss in the trash.

How to Clean a Mirror 

I love mirrors. I love how they reflect the sunlight, I love how they make a room look larger, but most importantly, I love that I can check my teeth after eating spinach. I don’t like how they attract smudges though, and with kids in the house, you can be sure those smudges are everywhere. At least there’s an easy way to clean them. Brew a strong pot of black tea. Dip a lint-free cloth into the tea to moisten it and rub little circles on the mirror. (Don’t saturate it as it can leave black tarnish marks if the liquid seeps into the silver coating.) Dry with a clean, dry cloth.

How to Clean Windowsills

I love opening the curtains each morning and letting the sun shine in, waking me up. But I don’t like seeing dirt and gunk in my windowsills. You’d be surprised how much accumulates. It’s not too pretty. To clean this narrow area, grab some Q-Tips and vinegar. Dip the Q-Tip in the vinegar and wipe inside the windowsill. Ahhh…clean again. Now that’s a beautiful sight!

How to Clean Baseboards

Baseboards add such a nice touch to homes, but they accrue dust quickly. To keep dust away in the first place, dust your baseboards with a dryer sheet. Not only will this clean your baseboards, but it will also repel further dust from gathering. (And, bonus – the dryer sheets make your house smell nice and fresh!)

How to Clean Lampshades

Lampshades are one of those sneaky areas that accumulate an obscene amount of dust. Using a duster seems to just move the dust to my nightstand rather than eliminate it. Not anymore! Instead of using a duster to clean lampshades, use a lint roller. The sticky pad picks up dust and removes it rather than making it settle on your furniture.

How to Clean Blinds

Blinds are one of those things that tend to get overlooked, but go look at yours right now. I bet they’re covered in dust. Fortunately, cleaning them is simple. Put on a cotton glove and run the blinds through your fingers from side to side. It’s as simple as that.
With these cleaning hacks you can keep a tidy house – and your sanity! What kind of hacks do you use? Don’t hold out on us, share!

The post 6 Cleaning Hacks to Make Your Life Easier appeared first on Lindsey Schmidt Homes.