Dog-Friendly Restaurant in Shirlington, VA

Brunch is an event in the DMV. Restaurants go all out to distinguish themselves and some are going above and beyond to welcome your dog along with you. Copperwood Tavern goes a step further and honors your pup on their wall as the Dog of the Month! More on that later, let’s focus on the food and the experience at this dog-friendly brunch in Shirlington.
All about the Dogs
One of the limiting factors for dining out with your pup is the number of tables available outside. There are about a dozen tables on the front patio and we had no problem getting one where Rummy could sit next to us at the railing. The next limiting factor is shade. While there may be tables available, if you’re baking in the sun neither your nor your pup will enjoy the outing. They have several umbrellas lining the front to provide some relief. Not all tables are completely shaded, but most had some and we were comfortable. Water is always important for dogs outside, but especially so in the heat wave we’ve experienced lately. Most restaurants will provide water when asked, but Copperwood Tavern has a stack of bowls at the ready in the front entrance. They clearly not only welcome dogs, but prepare to include them and make them comfortable.

It has to be tasty…
Now, we’re not food critics but we have to share our opinion of the food. First, the portions are large. Bring an appetite, or leave with a doggy bag 🙂 We ordered the Fried Chicken and Waffles and the Blueberry Ricotta Pancakes. The waffle entree was huge! And so delicious. Paired perfectly with the fried chicken (which was just crispy enough). The lemon ricotta gave a nice, light touch to a dish that can easily be heavy (and boring). Bloody Marys hit the spot. The spiced pickle in the beef jerky version is spicy and really kicked this version up a notch. We’ll loop back to the dog-friendly aspects again, but wanted to note that this isn’t just a place to bring your dog. The food and drinks alone are definitely worth checking out. As was the service– friendly, smiling and very welcoming of Rummy!

We mentioned the Dog of the Month club above and absolutely love this idea! You can enter your dog by submitting a photo here along with reasons your dog deserves the honor. If your pup is picked, they’ll be immortalized on the wall inside the restaurant! I knew about the contest prior to dining, but was thrilled to see the wall of photos. Who doesn’t love seeing a wall of dogs? And we think it reminds people that yes, you can include your pup in your outings.

All in all, we give Copperwood Tavern five pups for ease of access for dogs, shade, availability of water and overall just being super dog-friendly. We enjoyed ourselves and so did Rummy. Check out this smile!

For more dog-friendly restaurants, check out our Dining & Drinks page. To feature your pup on our Lucky Dogs page, submit a photo!